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Helium Recovery Systems

Low Pressure
High Pressure

Herec K

Designed for the recovery, storage at low pressure (maximum 10 bar pressure) and the reuse of the helium used for leak detection, Herec K 75 C automatically restores helium losses by charging new helium from the refilling bottle (to be supplied by the user). In addition, automatically maintains a stable working pressure condition on high pressure storage and measures helium concentration. The system is composed by a single stage of compression without a high vacuum recovery line. The system has been designed for small production lines with helium test pressure lower than 8 bar. The system features analysis controls of the helium concentration in the tanks, and allows the unit to preserve the purity of the delivered helium at the desired value. Alarm sensors are installed in case of possible anomalies. Herec K 75 communicates with Galileo TP’s leak detection machines to provide a complete integration between the systems Low pressure line.

The Herec K 75S  system features two stages: low pressure and high pressure. The low pressure stage is managed by a vacuum pump which guarantees the maximum efficiency of recovery also for very low helium test pressure. The system has been designed for medium/small production lines with helium test pressure lower than 13 bar. The system features analysis controls of the helium concentration in the tanks, and allows the unit to preserve the purity of the delivered helium at the desired value. Alarm sensors are installed in case of possible anomalies. Herec K 75 communicates with Galileo tp leak detection machines to provide a complete integration between the systems Low pressure line.

Model Nominal Flow Rate Working Pressure Helium Storage Capacity
Herec K 75 C 75 Nl/min Up to 10 bar 75 Nl (at 8 bar outlet pressure)
Herec K 75 S 75 Nl/min Up to 14 bar 300 Nl (at 13 bar outlet pressure)


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Herec NK HP

Herec NK HP has been engineered for the recovery, storage and reuse of helium at high pressure (up to 110 bar) and the reuse of the helium used for leak detection. The system process automatically restores helium losses by charging new helium from the refilling bottle (to be supplied by the user). It can maintain a stable working pressure condition on the high-pressure storage as well as  a stable concentration. The system features two stages: low pressure(under vacuum) and high pressure.

Particularly indicated for higher production lines that can work also with high helium pressure. It easily handles multiple helium testing stations thanks to the high storage capacity.

The system features analysis controls of helium concentration in the tanks, which allows the unit to preserve the purity of the delivered helium at the desired value. Auto-diagnostic function and alarms sensors are installed in case of possible anomalies. Herec NK HP communicates with Galileo TP’s leak detection machines to provide a complete integration between the systems.

Model Nominal Flow Rate Working Pressure Helium Storage Capacity
Herec NK HP 100 100 Nl/min Up to 110 bar 2500 Nl (at 8 bar outlet pressure)
Herec NK HP 200 200 Nl/min Up to 110 bar 2500 Nl (at 8 bar outlet pressure)


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